Coffee Dose

I want to love coffee. I take that back; I love coffee, coffee is life. I just wish it loved me. Unfortunately, caffeine triggers anxiety that dates back to a concussion I got in college, so I mostly stay away from the caffeine. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love it. I just don’t imbibe in this treat very often. When I do, Coffee Dose is a great choice. There are two locations: one in Los Angeles and one in Costa Mesa. The location in LA is standalone, whereas the Costa Mesa location is inside of a hair salon.

Talk dirty to me

The schtick at Coffee Dose is irreverent branding and “Rx Lattes.” The cups say things like “Anti-Bitch Serum,” “Fuck Mornings,” and “So Fucking Zen.” For the holidays, they have “Fa la la Fuck Off,” and “Santa knows when you’re Bitchy.” To make themselves over the top, you can add vital proteins, collagen, CBD, or MCT oil to your cup of Joe, hence the play on “Rx.”

Delicious despite the swearing

Some people might be turned off to see a brand that’s PG-13 rated. I kinda like it. It’s great coffee, both iced and hot. They make all of their syrups in-house. They have rose, lavender, and vanilla. In addition to regular milk, they also offer house-made almond milk and oat milk. That makes this joint a win in my book!

“The Beauty”

With a name like that, she’s got to be good. You guessed it; The Beauty is my favorite latte. It consists of espresso, vital proteins collagen, choice of milk (the default is almond, but I substitute oat) and rose or lavender syrup (I ask for both). Since caffeine and I don’t get along so well, I order CBD to counteract the jitters it gives me and to Zen me out. Say ahhhh.

An accompanying bite

The shops also serve a variety of food from local vendors, from croissants to banana bread, to donuts. The donuts come from Caffeinated Kitchen, and they're my favorite. Small and light, you don’t have to feel guilty about eating one. Pro-tip: Try the rose pistachio. If sweets aren’t your thing, on the weekends, they serve breakfast burritos from The Rooster Truck in LA. They’re clucking amazing. Get it?

Overall, it’s a super cool spot with great vibes. Seating can be limited, so I always get my order to-go. And maybe avoid bringing the kids if you don’t want to fuel their potty mouths.


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