A self-funded passion project to support you.

So many times, I’ve been disappointed by a meal I’ve had after an influencer raved about it. For one reason or another, the experience is sub par - maybe it’s the food, maybe it’s the service; in the end, you end up wasting your time and money.

Well, it turns out that many of the posts you see from influencers are sponsored - whether they tell you or not. And if they aren’t, most influencers will still post a positive review, because they do not want to offend a restaurant that might sponsor a post in the future. If you are a foodie like me, it’s incredibly frustrating to be mislead - that’s why I created Andrew Loves in my free time. I want to prevent you from having the same misleading experiences that I’ve had. And because my posts are not sponsored, I’m not afraid to post a negative review - you will always get my honest opinion.

Andrew Loves is largely self-funded though. I pick the restaurants I want to go to, and pay for my meals just like you would. I choose the hotels and airbnbs I want to stay at when traveling, and I pay for those too. I constantly try new products to find the best - from cookware to cleaning products - and you guessed it, I pay for them all.

I’m trying to keep my Instagram Ad/Sponsor Free, but as you can imagine, the cost of creating the content, plus running the website can get pretty expensive. Any donations to support this project are HUGELY appreciated - or better yet, show your support by subscribing to the website for early access to reviews and exclusive members-only content, like secret menus at restaurants and recipes from your favorite chefs.

Any and all support is greatly appreciated! Cheers to the awesomeness that will continue to come!